Home Excursiones Las Cotorras Winter Center

Las Cotorras Winter Center

Las Cotorras is a winter center located in the Tierra Mayor Valley, northeast of Ushuaia. It offers numerous excursions during winter and summer for the whole family such as snowmobiling, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. It also provides gastronomy and accommodation services in its cabins. It has been open since 1980 and its specialty is Fuegian lamb and “del Mono” mountain coffee.


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    Excursions to do in Ushuaia at the Las Cotorras Winter Center

    Located in the Tierra Mayor Valley, northeast of the city of Ushuaia, this classic winter center provides gastronomy and accommodation services. It offers stays in incredible, fully equipped mountain cabins so that visitors can enjoy a true experience of enjoyment and recreation in nature. In winter the cabins are covered in white snow, creating a movie-like image.

    Las Cotorras has numerous excursions for the whole family. Among them there is no shortage of snowmobile rides, snowshoe walks and cross-country skiing. During the winter, the Valley becomes an ideal place to practice winter sports, thanks to its numerous routes and trails. Culipatín-type sleds can be brought or rented directly on the property. The walks are carried out through a forest of lengas and ñires and have departures throughout the day.

    Also in the complex there is a kennel known as “Siberianos de Fuego”, dedicated to the breeding of Siberian Husky and Alaskan Husky dogs. Animals raised and trained to take sleigh rides during the winter, a traditional activity in snowy and cold areas.

    During the summer, nature activities and experiences are also offered. In Las Cotorras the possibility of trekking with the dogs from the kennel is offered, in the area of ​​the Lasifashaj River. At this time of year, the Tierra Mayor Valley, where the Winter Center is located, offers a wide variety of outdoor activities, such as hiking and bird watching. It is also possible to enjoy a family picnic or simply contemplate nature in all its splendor.

    The center also includes gastronomic options in its renowned restaurant where the dish par excellence is Roasted Lamb, also notable for the mountain coffee “del Mono”. All of their dining options include a variety of salads, dessert and coffee.

    The Las Cotorras Winter Center is a unique and privileged place that offers visitors the opportunity to delve into the purest and most virgin nature of Argentine Patagonia. To visit the Villa Las Cotorras Winter Center, you must make a prior reservation to secure the place.

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    Las Cotorras Winter Center

    Consultá ahora por tu reserva – Turismo en Ushuaia

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