Home Excursiones Adventure with Beavers and Dinner at the Refuge

Adventure with Beavers and Dinner at the Refuge

Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of ecosystem engineers, beavers. Learn what their work is like, as well as the methods of constructing dams and burrows with the trees in the area.

The excursion begins upon arriving at the mountain refuge on the edge of Lake Fagnano. There we will have a snack and we will begin our walk, where we will enter a centuries-old lenga forest until we reach the beaver area. When we return to the cabin they will be waiting for us with a delicious dinner.


+54 2901 488938



Información técnica de la excursión en Ushuaia

Punto de salida
Comfortable footwear appropriate to the place

Adventure with beavers, in a 4×4 Tierra del Fuego inside.

Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of ecosystem engineers, and learn from expert teaching what their work is like, as well as the methods of constructing dams and burrows with local trees.

The excursion begins upon arriving at the mountain refuge on the edge of Lake Fagnano. Once there, we will have a delicious snack and begin our walk, where we will enter a centuries-old beech forest until we reach the beaver area.
These small reservoirs with calm waters, places that Cauquenes families also choose, are the places where beavers live. When we return to the cabin they will be waiting for us with a delicious dinner.
One of the best experiences you will have during your stay in Tierra del Fuego , the End of the World. Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of ecosystem engineers, and learn from expert teaching what their work is like, as well as the methods of constructing dams and burrows.
The excursion begins upon arriving at the mountain refuge on the edge of Lake Fagnano. Once there, we will have a delicious snack and begin our walk, where we will enter a centuries-old beech forest until we reach the beaver area.
We will have to approach stealthily so as not to disturb these incredible animals, which, like architects, build their dams and burrows with the trees in the area.
These small reservoirs with calm waters, places that Cauquenes families also choose, are the places where beavers live. When we return to the cabin they will be waiting for us with a delicious dinner.
  • Transportation and Tour Guide speaks Spanish / English
  • Exclusive service mode
  • All transfers included
  • 3-course dinner with dessert, coffee and drinks
No incluye
  • Any service not specified in the program.

Adventure with Beavers and Dinner at the Refuge

Beavers were introduced to Fuegian territory from Canada in 1946, with the aim of developing a fur industry, but the adaptation of the species to the region, where it also has no natural predators, caused them to multiply until they reached "about 100,000." "specimens scattered throughout the area.

Where to see beavers in Ushuaia? Within the Tierra del Fuego National Park there is the “Paseo de la castorera” to observe the system of dams that the beavers have made on the stream that bears their name and the impact of this species. Today you can see beaver dams in many areas of the island.

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